The funny field trip by :Elizabeth

I was so excited when I walked in the door. It was another day of first grade. After lunch recess, the teachers announced that we were having a field trip to the zoo. We all said “YAY. “Wait.”  I said.  “Are you going to announce the teams?” “Tomorrow.” said  the Teacher. The day after, my team was so excited to go to the field trip . I told my mom that we are having a field trip and who is in my team.                                                                                                                                                                                                  

The next day when I got to school ,there were cars in the car Loop for the field trip. I walked in the door and I hung my backpack on my chair. I did my work, then we left for the field trip.  My team and me had to go to the bathroom when  we got there. 


When we came out of the bathroom ,Cooper’s team was standing  there .Cooper had locked himself out of the zoo,   and the walls  were  entirely brick ,  so  he could not climb the wall.  I didn’t know what to say but, “Cooper how did you lock yourself out of the zoo!” he said nothing. 

I could not believe my eyes Cooper had entirely locked himself out of the zoo I was scared  and  worried. I didn’t know if he would be able to  come out. The outside of me was mad at him, but the inside of me was scared and worried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              



“Finally” I said. Security had come and they were going to unlock Cooper out of the zoo , the part of me that was scared and worried  were  now happy and joyful. Cooper was unlocked out of the zoo I was so excited but I was also disappointed that he Had locked himself out of the zoo.  I was grateful that  he was unlocked. From that day to now I still live to tell the story.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


3 thoughts on “The funny field trip by :Elizabeth

  1. I like you’re story!!! I do not remember when Cooper locked himself out of the ZOO though. But I bet it was hilarious (for me.) Good job!

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